
The following resources offer an introduction to the three themes underpinning the work of the Center for Security, Race and Rights. The views expressed therein represent those of the author and are not endorsements by CSRR.

Color of Religion

Decades of spying and repression: the anti-Palestinian origins of American Islamophobia. Moustafa Bayoumi. (2024). The Guardian. 

Hindutva Appropriations of Indigeneity. (2022) Social Science Research Council. 

Many Arab Americans Fight to Be Counted Differently. Anna Lekas Miller. (2022). News Line Magazine. 

The debut of ‘Omar,’ a thoroughly American opera. Anatasis Tsoiulcas. (2022). NPR.

Guidance on Coverage of Sept. 11, 20 Years Later.  (2021) Asian American Journalists Association. 

From Harlem to Brixton: The extraordinary lives of Black Muslim women. Adama J Munu. (2021). Middle East Eye.

A Muslim American Reflects on the 100th Anniversary of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Abed Awad.(2020). Medium.

Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib show Muslim women don’t need saving.Sahar Aziz. (2019). Al Jazeera English.

Muslims and Voting – What Does Sharia Have To Do With It?. Asifa-Quraishi-Landes. (2018). Patheos.

Amani Al-Khatahtbeh is Breaking Down Barriers so Future Generations of Muslim Women Don’t Have To. Lauren Jauregui. (2018). Bustle.

Muslims Americans: Telling Your Own Stories. Leila Fadel. (2018). NPR.

American Muslim Women Don’t Need You to Save Them From Islam. They Need Your Respect. Dalia Mogahed. (2018). USA Today.

How Trump’s Travel Ban Motivated some Muslim Americans to Run for Office. Saba Hamedy. (2018). CNN.

New Database Exposes Anti-Muslim Legislation across the US. Haas Institute. (2018). Hass Institute, University of California-Berkeley.

Mona Haydar is a Muslim, a  Rapper and a Woman Who Doesn’t Need Saving. Ja’han Jones. (2018). Huffington Post.

Bombings of Mosques are Acts of Terrorism. Sahar Aziz and Khaled Beydoun. (2017).  Huffington Post.

You Have to be Christian to Truly be American? Many People in the U.S. Say So. Julia Zauzmer. (2017). Washington Post.

Trump’s Immigrant Ban Part of a Long, Sad Tradition. Sahar Aziz. (2017). Fox News.

Criminalizing Muslim Identity

‘I Helped Destroy People’ (2021). The New York Times.

Trump’s call to label Antifa ‘domestic terrorists’ is dangerous. Sahar Aziz. (2020). Al Jazeera.

The 21st Century Problem of Anti-Muslim Racism. Nadine Naber and Junaid Rana. (2019).  Jadaliyya. 

Court Recognizes Reputational Harm to Muslims on Terrorist Watchlist. Sahar Aziz.(2019). American Constitution Society. 

Islam on Trial. Amna Akbar and Jeanne Theoharis. (2018). Boston Review.

Discussing Bias Against Muslims After a Terrorist Attack: ‘The Media Does Play a Role.’ Joshua Barone. (2017). The New York Times.

‘Lone Wolf’: Our Stunning Double Standard When it Comes to Race and Religion. Khaled Beydoun. (2017). Washington Post.

Muslims Accused of Plotting Violence Get Seven Times More Media Attention and Four Times Longer Sentences. Murtaza Hussein. (2018). The Intercept.

‘Terrorism’: A Word We Need to Retire. Ramzi Kassem. (2017). The New York Daily.

The FBI’s New U.S. Terrorist Threat: ‘Black Identity Extremists.’ Jana Winter and Shana Weinberger. (2017). Foreign Policy.

This is Why Everyday Racial Profiling is so Dangerous. Holly Yan. (2018).CNN. 

The Real Story Behind the Fort Dix Five Terror Plot, Murtaza Hussain and Razan Ghalayini. (2015). The Intercept.

Transnational Rights and Security

Israel: A settler-colonial state? A clarification. (2023). Sublation Media. 

What Palestine teaches teachers of politics and law. (2023). The Leaflet. 

Former Guantanamo Detainees Were Deported to Kazakhstan, UAE. (2023). The Real News Network. 

‘Anti-antisemitism’ was meant to unite American Jews. Why is it backfiring? Nathan J. Brown and Daniel Nerenberg. (2023). +972 Magazine. 

Legal action in the UK reveals the emotional burden that digital surveillance tools such as Pegasus have had on their targets. Hossam Sarhan. (2022). Middle East Eye. 

For Shireen Abu Akleh. Jennifer Zacharia. (2022). Boston Review.

Racism, Intolerance, and the Coronavirus. Engy Abdelkader.(2020). German Marshall Fund of the United States.

In Iraq, demonstrators demand change — and the government fights back. Zahra Ali. (2019) The Washington Post.

Burkini Backlash: The Latest Transnational Gender Debate. Sahar Aziz. (2016). The New Arab.

The Trouble Before the Storm. Andrew Miller. (2018). Foreign Policy.

The US Has All but Slammed the Door on Syrian Refugees. Dara Lind. (2018). Vox.

The World Has Forgotten Egypt’s Raba’a Massacre. I Can’t. Mohamed Soltan (2018). Washington Post.

As U.S.-Iran Tensions Grow, Iraqis Suffer. Geneive Abdo. (2018). Bloomberg.

Egypt Imprisoned Me for Defending Human Rights. But I haven’t Lost Hope. Aya Hijazi (2017). Washington Post.

Targeted Killing Under Trump: Law, Policy, and Legal Risk. Adil Haque. (2017). Just Security.