Resources on Palestinian Human Rights

The United States provides nearly $4 billion per year in foreign aid to Israel, which has militarily occupied the West Bank and Gaza since 1967. And yet, few Americans know about the harsh economic, political, and human rights conditions under which Palestinians live. The following Teach Ins, Academic Lectures, Short Videos, and Resources offer insightful analysis and often ignored facts about the realities facing Palestinians living under a brutal decades-long Israeli occupation.

Teach Ins on Palestine

Teach-In on Gaza

Palestine Teach in Series: Israeli Settlements in the Occupied Territories with Dr. Zachary Foster

Academic and Public Policy Lectures

Justice for Some: Law and the Question of Palestine with Professor Noura Erakat

REPORT LAUNCH: Presumptively Antisemitic: Islamophobic Tropes in the Palestine-Israel Discourse

Books, Articles, and Media

Netanyahu, America, & the Road to War in Gaza. The FRONTLINE Dispatch. (2024).

Bibliography of Books on Palestine. Center for Security, Race and Rights. (2024).

Database of Israeli Incitement to Genocide. Law for Palestine. (2024).

Teaching About Palestine-Israel and the Unfolding Genocide in Gaza. Zinn Education Project. (2024).

Israel Quotes. Khalid Elassaad. (2024).

Amid Gaza War, College Campuses Become Free Speech “Testing Ground”. Intercepted. (2024). (interviewing Sahar Aziz).

Letter from Gaza with a response from New York – Allegra Lab. Zahra Ali. Allegra Lab. (2024).

Understanding Anti-Palestinian Racism. Anti-Palestinian Racism. (2024).

Resource Guide on Palestine. Center for Security, Race, and Rights. (2021).

“The Squad,” Part 3: The Last Gaza War. Deconstructed. (2023).

Report: Anti-Palestinian Racism & Islamophobia in Gaza War Coverage. Bridge: Georgetown University. (2023) (interviewing Sahar Aziz).

Instruments of Dehuman­ization. Maryam Jamshidi. Boston Review. (2023).

Presumptively Antisemitic: Islamophobic Tropes in the Palestine–Israel Discourse. Center for Security, Race and Rights. (2023).

Erakat, N. (2021).Beyond Discrimination: Apartheid is a Colonial Project and Zionism is a form of RacismEuropean Journal of International Law. 

Anti-Palestinian Racism: A Resource. Anti-Empire Project. (2021).

Why We Can’t Talk About Israel-Palestine; A Conversation w/ Prof. Sahar Aziz. RaceClass. (2023).

Lentin, R. (2020). Palestinian Lives Matter: Racialising Israeli Settler-Colonialism. Journal of Holy Land and Palestine Studies 19(2):133-149.

The Palestine Exception to Free Speech. Palestine Legal (2015).

Fighting the Lobby’s Racism, with Lara Sheehi. The Electronic Intifada Podcast. (2023).

Unveiling the Chilly Climate: The Suppression of Speech on Palestine in Canada. Independent Jewish Voices.(2022).

Boycott. Just Vision. (2022)

Farha. Middle Eastern Movies. (2022).

Understanding Antisemitism At Its Nexus With Israel And Zionism.  Center for the Study of Hate. (2022).

For Shireen Abu Akleh. Jennifer Zacharia. (2022). Boston Review.

The Vocabulary of Oppression: Jewish Supremacy from the River to the Sea. Occupied Thoughts. (2022).

The Killing of Shireen Abu Akleh. Al Jazeera. (2022).

Palestine. Throughline. (2021).

This Is Palestine. Institute for Middle East Understanding. (2021).

Deutsch, E. Michael & Thompson, Erica. (2008). Secrets and Lies: The Persecution of Muhammad Salah (Part I)Journal of Palestine Studies Vol. XXXVII, No. 4 (Summer 2008), pp. 38–58.

Facts on Palestinian Life Under Israeli Occupation

Palestinian Agriculture

Israeli Abuses of Palestinian Land

Palestinian Residency Rights

Israel’s Flawed Justice System

Confiscation of Palestinian Property

Historic Israeli Injustices Towards Palestinians

Polluted Water in Palestine

Israeli Human Rights Violations

Restrictions on Palestinian Movement

Restrictions on Palestinian Autonomy

European Trade with Israel

Intent to Oppress and Dominate Palestinians

Palestinian Oppression and Discrimination

Palestinians of the Jersualem Muncipiality

Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip

Location of Palestinians Today

Israel’s Unlawful Oppression of Palestinians

Israel’s Unlawful Control Of Palestinian Land

Israel’s Minimization of Palestinian Access to Land

Israel’s Isolation and Restriction of Palestinians

Israel’s Dispossession of Palestinians

Israel’s Discriminatory Zoning and Planning Policies

Israel’s Detrimental Impact on the Palestinian Economy

Impact of Israel’s Policies on Palestinian Property and Agriculture

Facts on Illegal Settlements in Palestine

Effect of 1967 War on Palestine

Israeli Settlers in Palestine

Effects of Israel’s Occupation