Academic Resources

The following resources offer an introduction to the three themes underpinning the work of the Center for Security, Race and Rights. The views expressed therein represent those of the author and are not endorsements by CSRR.

Color of Religion

Abbas, S. (2014). At Freedom’s Limit: Islam and the Postcolonial Predicament. New York: Fordham University.

Acevedo, G. A., & Chaudhary, A. R. (2015). Religion, Cultural Clash, and Muslim American Attitudes About Politically Motivated Violence. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion54(2), 242-260.

Ahmadi, S. &, Cole, D. (2020). Islamophobia in Higher Education: Combating Discrimination and Creating Understanding.

Ali, T. “Embodied Experiences and Islamic Feminist Ethics: Gender Equality and Abortion in US Muslim Women’s Interpretive Communities.” Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion 40, no. 2 (2024): 23-40.

Alimahomed-Wilson, Sabrina. (2020).The Matrix of Gendered Islamophobia: Muslim Women’s Repression and Resistance. Gender & Society. 2020;34(4):648-678.

Aziz, S. (2012). From the Oppressed to the Terrorist: Muslim American Women Caught in the Crosshairs of Intersectionality. Hastings Race & Poverty L. J., 9(1), 191-263.

Aziz, S. and Burress, C. (2016). Bibliography of Books on Muslims and Islam in the United States (1970 – 2015).

Bakali, N. (2016). Islamophobia: Understanding Anti-Muslim Racism Through the Lived Experiences of Muslim Youth (Vol. 5). Springer.

Boddie, E. (2016). Adaptive Discrimination. 94. North Carolina Law Review. 1235.

Biswas, B. (2022). (Re)imagining the idea of India: Contestations about Hindutva among the Indian American diaspora. Nations and Nationalism, 113.

Cable, U. (2024). Coming Out for Community, Coming Out for the CauseQueer Arab American Activism in the 1990sMeridians 23 (2): 465–489

Carter, Y., Leeper, S., & Wheeler, K. (2020). The Great Debate: Critical Race Theory and Muslims. Sapelo Square.

Center for Security, Race and Rights,Teaching Race in Law Schools and Universities Annotated Bibliography (2020).

Chan-Malik, Sylvia. (2011). Chadors, Feminists, Terror: The Racial Politics of US Media Representations of the 1979 Iranian Women’s Movement. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol. 637, 112-140.

Chan-Malik, Sylvia. (2011). “Common Cause”: On the Black-Immigrant Debate and Constructing the Muslim American. Journal of Race, Ethnicity, and Religion Volume 2, Issue 8. 

Chaudhary, Ali R. (2019). Islamic Strangers: The Effects of Religious Beliefs and Network Closure on Muslim Identity in the United StatesThe Sociological Quarterly, 1-26.

Cole, Juan ed., (2021). Peace Movements in Islam: History, Religion and Politics. Editor and contributor. (London: I. B. Tauris/ Bloomsbury Academic, 2021). 

Dana, K., Barreto, M. A., & Oskooii, K. A. (2011). Mosques as American institutions: Mosque attendance, religiosity and integration into the political system among American MuslimsReligions2(4), 504-524.

Dana, K., Wilcox-Archuleta, B., & Barreto, M. (2017). The political incorporation of Muslims in the United States: The mobilizing role of religiosity in IslamJournal of Race, Ethnicity and Politics2(2), 170-200.

Dana, K., Lajevardi, N., Oskooii, K., & Walker, H. (2019). Veiled Politics: Experiences with Discrimination among Muslim Americans. Politics and Religion, 12(4), 629-677.

Hobbs, William, & Lajevardi, Nazita. (2019).Effects of Divisive Political Campaigns on the Day-to-Day Segregation of Arab and Muslim Americans. American Political Science Review (2019) 113, 1, 270–276.

Khalil, N. (2024). Introducing the Muslim Rolodex: The Hiring of Us Imams. American Religion, Volume 6, Number 1, Fall 2024, pp. 20-35.

Khoshneviss, Hadi. (2019).The Inferior White: Politics and Practices of Racialization of People from the Middle East in the US. Ethnicities 2019, Vol. 19(1) 117–135.

Khoshneviss, Hadi. (2024). “US Census, the MENA Campaign, and Classification Struggles.Critical Sociology. Online First.

Maira, S. (2009). “Good” and” Bad” Muslim Citizens: Feminists, Terrorists, and US OrientalismsFeminist Studies, 35(3), 631-656.

Ocampo, A., Dana, K., Barreto, A., The American Muslim voter: Community belonging and political participation, Social Science Research, Volume 72, 2018, Pages 84-99

Razack, S. (2022). Nothing Has to Make Sense: Upholding White Supremacy through Anti-Muslim Racism. University Press.

Saleem, M., Dubow, E., Lee, F., & Huesmann, R. (2018). Perceived Discrimination and Intergroup Behaviors: The Role of Muslim and American Identity IntegrationJournal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 49(4), 602-617.

Snow, Saleema S. (2021).Veiling and Inverted Masking. 36 Berkeley J. Gender L. & Just. 115.

Taras, R. (2013). Islamophobia never stands still: race, religion, and culture, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 36:3, 417-433.

Tehranian, J.,(2021). Paternalism, Tolerance, and Acceptance: Modeling the Evolution of Equal Protection in the Constitutional Canon, 62 Wm. & Mary L. Rev. 1615.

Terman, R. (2017). Islamophobia and Media Portrayals of Muslim Women: A Computational Text Analysis of US News CoverageInternational Studies Quarterly, 61(3), 489-502.

Truschke, A. (2022).  The Hindu Right in the United States. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of American History.

Wadhia, S. and Hu, M.,(2022). Decitizenizing Asian Pacific American Women. University of Colorado Law Review, Forthcoming, Penn State Law Research Paper 2-2022.

Yazdiha, H. (2023). The Struggle for the People’s King: How Politics Transforms the Memory of the Civil Rights Movement. Princeton University Press. 

Criminalizing Muslim Identity

Alimahomed, S. (2014). Homeland Security Inc.: public order, private profit. Race & Class55(4), 82-99.

Alimahomed, S. (2019). When the FBI Knocks: Racialized State Surveillance of Muslims. Critical Sociology 2019, Vol. 45(6) 871–887.

Alsultany, E. (2013). Arabs and Muslims in the Media After 9/11: Representational Strategies for a “Postrace” EraAmerican Quarterly, 65(1), 161-169.

Aziz, S. (2017). A Muslim Registry: The Precursor to Internment?BYU L. Rev., 779.

Bechrouri, I. (2018). The Informant, Islam, and Muslims in New York City. Surveillance & Society. 16(4): 459-472.

Beydoun, K. A. (2017). Muslim Bans and the (Re) Making of Political IslamophobiaU. Ill. L. Rev., 1733.

Carter, B. (2017). Analyzing the Criminal Justice and Military Models of Counterterrorism: Evidence from the United States. Lawrence, Kansas: University of Kansas.

Collingwood, L., Lajevardi, N., & Oskooii, K. A. (2018). A Change of Heart? Why Individual-Level Public Opinion Shifted Against Trump’s “Muslim Ban”. Political Behavior, 1-38.

Ching, Bruce (2021). Echoes of 9/11: Rhetorical Analysis of Presidential Statements in the “War on Terror”. Seton Hall Law Review: Vol. 51 : Iss. 2 , Article 4.

Considine C. The Racialization of Islam in the United States: Islamophobia, Hate Crimes, and “Flying while Brown”. Religions. 2017; 8(9):165.

Deutsch, E. Michael & Thompson, Erica. (2008). Secrets and Lies: The Persecution of Muhammad Salah (Part I)Journal of Palestine Studies Vol. XXXVII, No. 4 (Summer 2008), pp. 38–58.

Dubosh E., & Poulakis, M., & Abdelghani N. (2015). Islamophobia and Law Enforcement in a Post 9/11 World. Islamophobia Studies Journal Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 138-157.

Evolvi, G. (2018). Hate in a Tweet: Exploring Internet-Based Islamophobic Discourses. Religions 2018, 9, 307.

Hosein, A. O. (2018). Racial Profiling and a Reasonable Sense of Inferior Political StatusJournal of Political Philosophy.

Jackson, R. (2007). Constructing Enemies: ‘Islamic Terrorism’ in Political and Academic Discourse. Government and Opposition, 42(3), 394-426.

Kalkan, K. O., Layman, G. C., & Uslaner, E. M. (2009). “Bands of others”? Attitudes toward Muslims in contemporary American society. The Journal of Politics, 71(3), 847–862.

Kamali, S. (2017). Informants, Provocateurs, and Entrapment: Examining the Histories of the FBI’s PATCON and the NYPD’s Muslim Surveillance ProgramSurveillance & Society 15(1): 68-78.

Kassem, R. (2010). From Altruists to Outlaws: The Criminalization of Traveling Islamic VolunteersUCLA J. Islamic & Near EL, 10, 85.

Kazi, N. (2021). Islamophobia, Race, and Global Politics. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

Kazi, N. (2020). Reform, Abolition, and Decoloniality: Framing Islamophobia. Journal of Political Theology, 21:5, 455-460.

Kibria, N., Watson, T. H., & Selod, S. (2018). Imagining the Radicalized Muslim: Race, Anti-Muslim Discourse, and Media Narratives of the 2013 Boston Marathon Bombers. Sociology of Race and Ethnicity, 4(2), 192-205.

Kumar, D. (2020). Terrorcraft: empire and the making of the racialised terrorist threat. Race & Class, 62(2):34-60.

Kumar R, Seay N, Karabenick SA. Immigrant Arab adolescents in ethnic enclaves: physical and phenomenological contexts of identity negotiation. Culture Diverse Ethnic Minor Psychol. 2015 Apr;21(2):201-12.

Norris, J.J. (2019). Explaining the Emergence of Entrapment in Post-9/11 Terrorism Investigations. Critical Criminology, 27,467–483

Qureshi, A. (2020). I Refuse to Condemn. Resisting racism in times of national security. Manchester University Press. 

Ragazzi, F. (2016). Suspect community or suspect category? The impact of counter-terrorism as ‘policed multiculturalism’, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 42:5, 724-741.

Sageman, M. (2014). The Stagnation in Terrorism Research, Terrorism and Political Violence, 26:4, 565-580.

Saito, Natsu Taylor, Why Xenophobia? (2019). Georgia State University College of Law, Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2021-05, Berkeley La Raza Law Journal, Forthcoming.

Selod, S. (2018). Gendered Racialization: Muslim American Men and Women’s Encounters with Racialized SurveillanceEthnic and Racial Studies, 1-18.

Shams, T. (2018). Visibility as Resistance by Muslim Americans in a Surveillance and Security AtmosphereSociological Forum (Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 73-94).

Sinnar, S. The Conundrums of Hate Crime Prevention, 112 J. CRIM. L. & CRIMINOLOGY 801 (2023).

Sinnar, S. (2022). Hate Crimes, Terrorism, and the Framing of White Supremacist Violence. California Law Review. (Vol. 110,No. 2).

Sinnar, S. (2017). The Lost Story of IqbalGeorgetown Law Journal, 105, 379.

SpearIt. (2014). Muslim Radicalization in Prison: Responding with Sound Penal Policy or the Sound of Alarm, in Islamophobia and the Law (Cyra Akila Choudhury & Khaled Beydoun, eds., Cambridge University Press 2020)(republished from 49 Gonzaga L.R. 37).

SpearIt. (2022). 9/11 Impacts on Muslims in Prison. Michigan Journal of Race & Law, Vol. 27, p. 101, 2021, forthcoming, U. of Pittsburgh Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2022-02.

Volpp, L. (2002). The Citizen and the TerroristImmigr. & Nat’lity L. Rev., 23, 561.

Yazdiha H. (2020). All the Muslims Fit to Print: Racial Frames as Mechanisms of Muslim Ethnoracial Formation in the New York Times from 1992 to 2010. Sociology of Race and Ethnicity. 2020;6(4):501-516.

Transnational Rights and Security

Abbas, S. (2018). The Empty Room. Zuban Books.

Abdel-Moneim, M.A. (2021). In search of a school façade: Explaining the centrality of private tutoring among high-performing students in Egypt. International Journal of Educational Development.Volume 83, 2021, 102384.

Aziz, R. N., & Al-Duleimi, A. D. D. (2018). The Pragmatic Strategies of Concealment in Bush’s Speech of Announcing War Against Iraq in 2003International Journal of English Linguistics, 8(4), 216.

Aziz, S. (2016). Global Conflict and Populism in a Post-9/11 WorldTulsa L. Rev., 52, 395.

Bali, A. U., & Lerner, H. (2016). Constitutional Design Without Constitutional Moments: Lessons from Religiously Divided SocietiesCornell Int’l LJ, 49, 227.

Center for Security, Race and Rights. (2023). Bibliography of Books on Palestine. 

Chaudhary, Ali R., (2020). Ascriptive Organizational Stigma and the Constraining of Pakistani Immigrant Organizations. International Migration Review.

Chaudhary, Ali R., & Moss, D. (2019). Suppressing transnationalism: bringing constraints into the study of transnational political action. Springer Open, Comparative Migration Studies 7:9.

Cole, Juan, ed., Peace Movements in Islam: History, Religion and Politics. (London: I. B. Tauris/ Bloomsbury Academic, Dec. 2021).

Erakat, N. (2021).Beyond Discrimination: Apartheid is a Colonial Project and Zionism is a form of Racism. European Journal of International Law. 

Erakat, N. (2024). Report of the Independent Task Force on National Security Memorandum-20 Regarding Israel. Just Security. 

Fahmy, D. F. (2015). The Green Scare is not McCarthyism 2.0: How Islamophobia is Redefining the Use of Propaganda in Foreign and Domestic AffairsDialectical Anthropology, 39(1), 63-67.

Fernández-Reino, M., Di Stasio, V., Veit, S., Discrimination Unveiled: A Field Experiment on the Barriers Faced by Muslim Women in Germany, the Netherlands, and Spain, European Sociological Review, 2022

Green-Mercado, M. (2018). Ethnic Groups in Renaissance Spain.” In A Companion to the Spanish Renaissance. Ed. Hilaire Kallendorf (Leiden: Brill), 121-140.

Gelman, E. (2024). Unpacking Zionism. Institute for the Critical Study of Zionism.

Gürsel​, Zeynep Devrim (2022) Classifying the Cartozians: rethinking the politics of visibility alongside Ottoman subjecthood and American citizenship, photographies, 15:3, 349-380.

Haque, Adil A. Indeterminacy in the Law of Armed Conflict, 95 Int’l L. Studies (forthcoming 2019)

Hessini,L., (2016). Reclaiming and Reframing Sexual Rights in Muslim Majority Contexts: The Role of Individual and Collective Movements in Shifting Patriarchal Discourse and Practice. The Brown Journal of World Affairs.Volume 22, Issue 2, Pages 69-80.

Katz, Ethan B., (2018). An Imperial Entanglement: Anti-Semitism,Islamophobia, and Colonialism. The American Historical Review. Volume 123, Issue 4, Pages 1190–1209.

Kalmar, I. (2020). Islamophobia and anti-antisemitism: the case of Hungary and the ‘Soros plot’, Patterns of Prejudice, 54:1-2, 182-198. 

Kumar, I. (2018). The Right Kind of “Islam” News Media Representations of US-Saudi Relations during the Cold WarJournalism Studies, 19(8), 1079-1097.

Kumar, I. (2021). Islamophobia and the Politics of Empire. Haymarket Books, 2012, 238 p. ; 22 cm.

Kalmar, I. and Shoshan, N., eds., (2022). Racism in Contemporary Germany: Islamophobia in East and West (Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2022).

Kusow, A. & Ajrouch, K. & Corra, M. (2017). Socioeconomic Achievement Among Arab Immigrants in the USA: The Influence of Region of Origin and Gender.Int. Migration & Integration (2018) 19:111–127 DOI 10.1007/s12134-017-0524-2.

Khayyat, Y. (2023). War Remains. Syracuse University Press.

Lentin,R. (2020). Palestinian Lives Matter: Racialising Israeli Settler-Colonialism. Journal of Holy Land and Palestine Studies 19(2):133-149.

Mahdavi, Mojtaba. The Myth of Middle East Exceptionalism: Unfinished Social Movements.Syracuse University Press, 2023. 

Malak, K. (2022). The Last Khedive but the First to Decolonise? Abbas Hilmi II’s Odyssey for Sovereignty. Durham Middle East Paper No. 109.

Malak, K. (2022). The High Tide of ColonialismSovereignty and Governmentality at Sea. Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East (2022) 42 (1): 118–134.

Mohamed, E. (Eds.).El-Desouky, A. (Eds.). (2021). Cultural Production and Social Movements after the Arab Spring: Nationalism, Politics, and Transnational Identity.

Nagra, Baljit & Maurutto, Paula. (2016). Crossing Borders and Managing Racialized Identities: Experiences of Security and Surveillance Among Young Canadian Muslims. The Canadian Journal of Sociology / Cahiers canadiens de sociologie , Vol. 41, No. 2 (2016), pp. 165-194

Oliver-Dee, S. (2018). Started but Contested: Analyzing US and British Counter-Extremism Strategies.The Review of Faith & International Affairs16(2), 71-83.

Oztig, L., Gurkan, T., & Aydin, K. (2021). The Strategic Logic of Islamophobic Populism. Government and Opposition, 56(3), 446-464.

Rana, A. & Bali, A. (2012). Pax Arabica? Provisional Sovereignty and Intervention in the Arab Uprisings. California Western Int’l L. J., 42(2), 101-132.

Truschke A. (2020). Exclusion, affect, and violence in the many sites of Indian history. Indian Cultural Forum.

Veracini, L. (2024). Germany’s anti-antisemitic complex and the question of settler colonialism. Settler Colonial Studies, 1–18.

Zulfiqar, A. (2017). Jurisdiction over Jihad: Islamic Law and the Duty to FightWest Virginia Law Review, Vol. 120, No. 2.

Zulfiqar, A. (2022). The Immorality of Incarceration: Between Jāvēd Aḥmad Ghāmidī and Angela Y. Davis, Journal of Islamic Law [Harvard Law](2022).

Zulfiqar, A. (2022). The Dominion of Rights, the Resistance of Duties, 22 Rutgers Journal of Law and Religion 3.

Zulfiqar, A. (2023). Human Rights Norms from Below. Yale Journal of International Law, Vol. 48, No. 1, 2023.

A., Yara, Sharif, M. Wispelwey, Racism as a Threat to Palestinian Health Equity Health Equity 2024 8:1, 371-375.